Best Foods To Boost Your Brain and Memory Power


I am going to describe in detail highly effective foods to boosts brain and memory. You need to take the best foods to boost your brain while studying.

It is exam time. The exam is knocking at your door. You are stressed. In this crucial time,

So, you don’t have enough time to cook a healthy meal for yourself. So what do you do?

Many of us make a common mistake during this crucial period is to eat poorly. We also take unhealthy foods like lots of chocolate, energy drinks, junk food, and crisps are often eaten instead of regular meals to keep our energy levels up.

However, this habit is not only harmful to your health but can also severely affect your exam performance.

When a student is trying to understand and memorize a lot of information, it is essential to keep his/her health fit. Staying healthy can stimulate academic performance and help to read educational goals.

We know a healthy brain improves mental capacity, focus, and increases memory, and makes you all-rounded healthier, more organized to learn.

Therefore, feeding your brain with the right nutrients is one of the most important ways to boost your brainpower.

Here are some effective brain foods that strongly related to improving brain health and suggestions to ensure the best on exam day.

Daftar Isi

Foods to Boosts Brain and Memory

So which Foods are the Best Fuels for Your Brain?


Proteins are highly demanded food to boosts brain and memory.

They are eggs, meat, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, and seeds (such as walnuts, almonds, peanuts, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds), dried beans, lentils, dairy products, and soy products.

  • A study saying Proteins send messages to the rest of your body and help create brain chemicals that develop your mood.
  • Protein is one of the three main macronutrients need by the human body to maintain good health.
  • It is useful to make hormones, enzymes, and other essential body chemicals that build and repair tissue.
  • Protein can raise the levels of an amino acid called Tyrosine. Tyrosin prompts the brain to manufacture norepinephrine and dopamine that act as a messenger in the brain.


Fruits and veggies, including berries and pomegranate juice.

  • Antioxidants can help delay or even prevent specific effects of aging on the brain.


Omega-3 — oily fish, flax seeds and flax oil, and eggs, chicken, and beef.
Studies have been found Omega-3s help your brain work harder and improve your mental health.

  • Omega-3's take longer than four weeks to get into the cells in the brain, or more of a lifelong effect where omega-3 fatty acid intake during your 20s affects brain health in your 30s or 40s."
  • Other studies have also shown that people who eat much fatty fish score better on memory tests and are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.

Dietary Cholesterol

Dietary cholesterol — dairy and egg yolks.

  • Our brain relies on cholesterol to create the cells, and these cells send messages to the rest of the body.
  • Cholesterol also helps to guide developing our nerve endings to their destinations on "lipid rafts." If the brain is too low in cholesterol, its synapses, membranes, myelin, and lipid rafts cannot form and function correctly.

Monounsaturated Fats

Monounsaturated Fats — avocados, nuts, olive oil, canola oil, and peanut oil.

  • Foods that contain monounsaturated fats can improve your memory and help your brain work harder, faster, better, stronger.
  • A diet that is high in monounsaturated fats also leads to an increase in the production and release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
  • Acetylcholine is acute for learning and memory, and the loss of acetylcholine production in the brain leads to memory problems associated with Alzheimer's disease.


Caffeine (moderate amounts) — tea, coffee, and dark chocolate.

  • In small doses, caffeine can help you feel refreshed and more focused.
  • Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system stimulation.
  • Making you sense alert.
  • Caffeine is the crucial cause of boosts brain function.
  • This tonic/stimulant blocks adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain that makes you sleepy.


Your brain is 73% water, and water is vital to keeping your body in tip-top shape as well as act as food to boost brain and memory.

  • Water is vital for delivering nutrients to the brain and for removing toxins.
  • When the brain is fully hydrated, the exchange of nutrients and toxins will be more efficient—thus confirming better attentiveness and mental alertness.
  • Drinking water increases the brain's temperature.
  • It keeps cells active and balances chemical processes in the brain.
  • They are helping to regulate stress and anxiety.

foods to boosts brain and memory

What Next:

Tips to Create Perfect Study Environment at Home



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