Why You Should Eat More Nuts Every day?

eat nuts everyday

Nuts are a very trendy food in the world. They are yummy, suitable. They can be enjoyed on all kinds of diets. So do not need to worry and eat more nuts every day.

Despite being high in fat and calories, they have many impressive, notable health benefits. Nuts are the seed that is widely used in eaten and cooking.

Fortunately, you can easily buy nuts from the store already shelled and ready to eat.

Some of the most commonly used or consumed nuts:

  • Almonds
  • Brazil nuts
  • Cashews
  • Hazelnuts
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Pecans
  • Pine nuts
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts

If you eat nuts regularly, it may develop your health in many ways.

For example, by reducing diabetes and heart disease risk, control cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

You eat them in self-control, then nuts make for a tasty and healthy, balanced diet.

Daftar Isi


Walnuts (also called Juglans Regia) are a tree nut and made up of 65% fat and about 15% of protein. They are low in carbs where most of the consist of fibre.

Walnuts are an excellent source of or have higher antioxidant activity. It much healthier omega-three (3) fats can help fight oxidative damage in your body, together with damage due to “BAD” LDL cholesterol, which encourages atherosclerosis.

It helps to reduced inflammation and improved heart disease risk factors. Walnuts are a very excellent source of the plant form of omega-3 fat, which may help diminish heart disease risk.

Walnuts consist of polyphenols which may reduce your risk of breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers.

It helps you control appetite and hunger, type 2 diabetes, and reduce your disease risk. Since the nut may help prevent your overweight.

Researchers suggest that eating 1 ounce (28 grams) of any nuts daily. Including walnuts may help improve blood pressure.

It contains nutrients that may help protect your brain from damaging inflammation and support useful brain function.

Therefore, Walnuts are easy to add to your daily diet since they are widely available in stores and a great addition to countless dishes.

Brazil Nuts

What are Brazil Nuts?

Interestingly, Brazil nuts are technically are edible seeds rather than a nut. It has come from South American Bertholletia excelsa, or Brazil nut, tree. However, by definition, as we know, nuts are fruits of hard-shells that contain a single, large seed—for example, Walnuts and Pistachios.

Brazil nut grows inside a round shell is coconut-like and orange-like segments. It is a good source of healthful fats, protein, fibre, and selenium.

Brazil nuts have some surprising and powerful nutritional benefits like boosting heart health, providing antioxidants and improving brain function. It contains healthful fats called polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), it takes polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats instead of Trans and Saturated fats. It may help improve and recover cholesterol levels, diminishing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Brazil nuts also contain some protein as well as being an excellent source of essential nutrients,For example, zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamin E and some B vitamins.


Almonds nuts are among the world’s most popular and trendy tree nuts. They have come from the Middle East, but the US is now the world’s largest producer. California, the land of Hollywood superstars, grows and produces the most almonds worldwide.

They are the edible seeds of a tree of Prunus dulcis, more universally called the almond tree. They are classified by their shape, colour, and size.

Some people use Almonds to produce almond milk, butter, oil, flour or paste, also known as marzipan.

They are highly nutritious and rich in healthy antioxidants, fats, vitamins as well as minerals.

Almonds boast an impressive nutrient profile. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of almonds contains.

  • Protein: 6 grams,
  • Fiber: 3.5 grams,
  • Fat: 14 grams,
  • Manganese: 32% of the RDI,
  • Vitamin E: 37% of the RDI,
  • Magnesium: 20% of the RDI.
  • They lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and are enriched with magnesium, vitamin E, and potassium. It might help oxygen and nutrients flow freely through the blood.
  • Almonds are also a bone-building food. 1-ounce (28 grams) may serve as much calcium as 1/4 cup of milk.
  • Phosphorus- To keep your whole skeleton and Chompers healthy and robust, which will lessen your risk of bone fractures and breaks.
  • Crunching almonds can help to relieve aggression, making it easier for your body to rest and relax.
  • The selenium of Almonds fights depression and anxiety.
  • Assist With Blood Sugar Control.
  • Full of Antioxidants.
  • High in Vitamin E.
  • Magnesium of Almonds Also Benefits Blood Pressure Levels.
  • Almonds Can Lower Cholesterol Levels.

Cashews Nuts

Cashews are belonging to the family of Anacardiaceae. They are originally native to the coastal areas of north-eastern Brazil and kidney-shaped seeds.

Cashews are usually cultivating in countries like Tanzania, Kenya, India, and Sri Lanka. We can get these nuts from the bottom of the fruit (as a cashew apple) and have diverse uses in Brazil, Asia, and Africa.

Cashews are a powerhouse and very nutritious of minerals and proteins. It includes calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc.

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, Cashews also contain vitamin C, B, E, K, and Thiamin.

  • Its magnesium protects against high blood pressure and also supports healthy muscles and bones.
  • Its copper can assist in energy production and provides flexibility in blood vessels, joints, and bones.
  • Cashews help to lower your risk of Gallstones.
  • They contain no Cholesterol.
  • Excellent source of Antioxidants.
  • Eating Cashews assist in boosting your Immune system.
  • Cashews nuts are using to make Vegan Cream.
  • It is enriched in Heart-Healthy fatty acids.


Pecans (Carya illinoinensis) are the most trendy and popular nuts in the world. It's native to Mexico and the Southern states of the US.

It is incredible to hear that the United States grows and supplies more than 80% of the world’s pecans.

It is a powerhouse of nutrients that makes for an ideal condiment, snack, and ingredient in your favourite recipes and often used in dessert.

One Ounce (28 grams) of pecans may contain generally:

  • Calories: 193,
  • Fat: 20 grams,
  • Carbs: 4 grams,
  • Fiber: 2.5 grams,
  • Protein: 3 grams,
  • Vitamin E: 2% of the RDI,
  • Magnesium: 8% of the RDI.
  • Magnesium (Mg) of pecans can play a significant role in blood pressure, energy production, and skeletal health.
  • The most plentiful mineral in pecan nuts is Manganese (Mn). It is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy bones, wound healing, and optimal skeletal health.
  • Pecans are rich in fibre that helps boost your heart's health by reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and preventing some forms of cancer.
  • The fibre of pecans promotes colon health by facilitating regular bowel movements. Also, it prevents constipation and reduces the risk of colon cancer, colitis, and haemorrhoids.
  • Research has indicated that a diet with nuts, such as pecans, can help lose weight.
  • Pecans enriched with Oleic acid, a fatty acid that helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • Pecans also contain zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, and phosphorus, which helps keep skin healthy by guarding against infections. On the other hand, Vitamin ‘A‘ is an antioxidant that also gives you a clear complexion.
  • Pecans are a great source of manganese. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants and helps to boost your immunity. It also protects your nerve cells from free radical damage.
  • As we know, anaemia is one of the common causes of hair loss and iron deficiency in the blood. Then it is good news that pecans, being a good source of IRON. You can include it in your diet to improve your blood iron levels and, for this reason, combat hair loss.


Pistachios are not only tasty and fun to eat but also super healthy. It also contains healthy fats and is a good source of protein, fibre, and antioxidants.

They also contain several essential nutrients and benefit from weight loss, heart, and gut health.

Amazingly, people have been eating these healthy nuts since 7,000 BC. They are also very popular in many dishes, like ice cream and dessert.

As we know, Antioxidants are vital to our health. It also contains additional antioxidants than any other nuts and seeds. Only Pecans and Walnuts contain more antioxidants. Fortunately, Pistachios are the lowest-calorie nuts. Pistachios are high in fibre and suitable for your gut bacteria.

Research has shown that eating Pistachios-nuts might help lower blood cholesterol. It also lowers your blood pressure more than other types of Nuts.

Pistachios are very nutritious. One ounce (28 gram) providing of about 49 also containing–

  • Calories: 156,
  • Carbs: 8 grams,
  • Fiber: 3 grams,
  • Protein: 6 grams,
  • Fat: 12 grams (90% are healthy fats),
  • Potassium: 9% of the RDI,
  • Vitamin B6: 25% of the RDI,
  • Phosphorus: 14% of the RDI,
  • Thiamin: 15% of the RDI,
  • Copper: 18% of the RDI,
  • Manganese: 17% of the RDI.

Pistachios are also high in protein, antioxidants, and fibre, vitamin B6 and Potassium.


The Hazelnut (also known as Filbert or cobnut) has a sweet flavour and can be eaten raw, roasted or ground into a paste, and comes from the Corylus Tree.

This nut is cultivating in Turkey, Spain, Italy, and the United States.

Hazelnuts are very nutritious, and one Ounce (28 Grams) of Hazelnuts contains about –

  • Calories: 176.
  • Fat: 9 grams.
  • Protein: 6 grams.
  • Carbs: 6 grams.
  • Fiber: 3.5 grams.
  • Vitamin E: 37% of the RDI.
  • Magnesium: 20% of the RDI.

Like other nuts, Hazelnuts are rich in nutrients and have a high content of fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Do you know how many Hazelnuts should you eat a day? Healthy daily eating of nuts is 30g or about 20 Almonds, 15 Cashews, 20 Hazelnuts.

The high substance of dietary fibre, antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium in hazelnuts helps normalize blood pressure.

Generally, taking 28 to 70 grams of Hazelnuts/day help to developments in heart health parameters.

The high vitamin E and fatty acid substance in Hazelnut oil can enhance hydration in the outermost layer of the skin. It also helps to improve skin elasticity.

A recent study shows that a Hazelnut rich diet can reduce total cholesterol, “BAD” LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. It also assists lowered markers of inflammation and advanced blood vessel function.

If you have fallen in loves with Hazelnuts, then learn how to use or eat these nuts in various ways.

  • Toast the nuts and use them in your pasta or wholegrain noodles.
  • Toss it with your favourite stir-fries.
  • Mix with berries into your wholegrain breakfast muffins.
  • Roast and munch a handful of the nuts as healthy snacks in between meals.
  • Use Roasted, crushed hazelnuts in your pasta sauce for a nutty touch.

Chest Nuts

Chestnuts are delicious and everyday nuts, comes from deciduous trees. They have a number of important health benefits including-

  • Improve the digestive system.
  • Manage diabetes.
  • Strengthen bones.
  • Boost the immune system.
  • Protect cardiovascular health.
  • Lower blood pressure.

They also help to increase cognition and protect against chronic illnesses.

People consumed: boiled, dried and roasted or in the form of Jam or flour. They are a great source of vitamins and minerals, for example, Cooper, molybdenum, manganese, and magnesium.

Chestnuts reduce cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar levels. It also reduces the risk of constipation and intestinal complications, for instance, diverticulitis.

Chestnuts help to increase brain function. It contains fat-soluble B vitamins, which promote healthy skin, produce red blood. Chestnuts have fat-soluble vitamin B that supports healthy skin, grows red blood cells and develops brain function.

Chestnuts contain high amounts of carbohydrates that will need for short and long term energy. They also help to develop your nervous system function.

Chestnuts also contain copper that is a mineral and helps increase bone strength and boost your immune system.

This nut contains manganese which is a trace mineral and reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. It also plays a vital role in the ageing process and helps to prevent blood clotting.

What are the main differences between roasted chestnuts and boiled chestnuts?

“Boiled chestnuts are more edible and digestible than roasted chestnuts. It is mistakenly believed that boiled chestnuts hold fewer calories than roasted chestnuts due to their water content.

Usually, 120 calories per 100 grams of boiled chestnuts to 190 calories per 100 grams of roasted chestnuts. When measured at the same weight, boiled chestnuts do hold fewer calories.

Nevertheless, it all depends on the amount of water lost or taken in while they are being cooked.”


One Ounce (28 grams) of dry-roasted peanuts hold about:

  • Calories: 176,
  • Fat: 17 grams,
  • Carbs: 5 grams,
  • Protein: 4 grams,
  • Fiber: 3 grams,
  • Vitamin E: 21% of the RDI,
  • Magnesium: 11% of the RDI.

Peanuts are different from other nuts because they are not tree nuts but belong to the legume family.

However, they have also many nutrient power and health benefits.

Research (conducted by more than 120,000 people) found that higher peanut intake was associated with lower death rates. It also improves heart disease risk factors.

Another study found that taking peanut butter five times a week had lower rates of type 2 diabetes.

We should take peanuts at least one time daily during pregnancy, asthma.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nut is the seed of the macadamia tree and comes from Australia. They are commercially growing mainly in Hawaii as well as in California and Florida.

One ounce (28 grams) contains approximately:

  • Calories: 200,
  • Fat: 21 grams,
  • Protein: 2 grams,
  • Fiber: 2.5 grams,
  • Carbs: 4 grams,
  • Vitamin E: 1% of the RDI,
  • Magnesium: 9% of the RDI.

Macadamia Nut is an incredible natural food that provides some fantastic benefits for our bodies. We can use it in everything from salads to main dishes, snakes to desserts.

They are a popular snack, and some people use them as medicine to lower cholesterol. About 40 to 90 grams or 17 to 38 macadamia nuts per day may help to lower cholesterol.

Due to the high content of monounsaturated fat, Macadamia nuts are related to lower heart disease, including oxidative stress and inflammation.

Many studies have proven that diets rich in Macadamia nuts can lower both total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol quickly.

In pregnancy and breastfeeding, these nuts are safe to eat When Macadamia nuts are eaten as food.

Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts, also known as Chufa, Yellow Nutsedge or earth almonds, are not nuts but rather edible tubers.

There are three main types of tiger nuts: black, brown and yellow.

These are cultivated initially in Egypt and habitually used as both food and medicine.

One ounce (28 grams) provides-

  • Calories: 103–121,
  • Carbs: 9 grams,
  • Fiber: 2–7 grams,
  • Fat: 7–9 grams,
  • Protein: 1 gram,
  • Vitamin E: 278% of the daily value (DV),
  • Iron: 13–40% of the DV,
  • Phosphorus: 9–11% of the DV,
  • Vitamin C: 2–8% of the DV,
  • Magnesium: 7% of the DV,
  • Zinc: 5–7% of the DV,
  • Potassium: 3–5% of the DV,
  • Calcium: 1% of the DV.

This nut is enriched in minerals such as Potassium, Phosphorus and Vitamins C, E. Vitamin E plays a vital role in the formation and functioning of the red blood cells, muscles, and other tissues.

They are also a rich source of antioxidants. This nut helps protect your body against ageing and diseases, for example, cancer and heart disease, diabetes.

Tiger nuts also contain Ant nutrients, for instance, Oxalates, Phytates, Saponins, and Tannins which can reduce nutrient absorption in your gut.

These nuts are a good source of Insoluble fibre, preventing constipation and helping your digestion run smoothly.

They can be consumed cooked or raw and sometimes used as part of meals, dairy-free products, and baked goods.

Bear in mind that these tubers are rich in fibre; therefore, people interested in adding them to their diet should do so step by step to avoid unpleasant bloating or gas.

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