Best Way To Lower Your Cholesterol Without Taking Any Medication

What Is The Best Way To Lower Your Cholesterol Without Taking Any Medication?
cholesterol or also called as 'sterol' or 'Cholesterin'.
The level of cholesterol in your blood is a key indicator of heart health. Due to the poor quality of food we consume each day, cholesterol levels are a major concern for people today. The majority of our diet consists of processed foods, which are unhealthy.
We're all concerned about high cholesterol, right? Most people don't know there's also 'good' cholesterol, called HDL.
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is known as the "good" cholesterol because it helps to eliminate different types of cholesterol from the body. An increased level of HDL cholesterol is associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
- Is It Possible To Lower Cholesterol Without Medication?
- Foods that Increase Cholesterol
- Foods that Lower Cholesterol
- How To Increase Good Cholesterol?
- Top lifestyle changes to improve your cholesterol
- Get Enough Sleep
- Eat Heart-Healthy Foods
- Quit Smoking
- Lower Your Cholesterol With Vitamins And Supplements
- Maintain A Regular Exercise Schedule And Increase Your Physical Activity
- Lose Weight
- Drink More Water
- Low-Fat Milk, Cheese, And Yogurt
- Replace Butter And Margarine With Healthy Oils
- Replace Your Egg And Sausage Breakfast Sandwich With Oatmeal
- Consider Having One Vegetarian Meal A Week
- Now Is The Time To Start Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally
- The Bottom Line
Is It Possible To Lower Cholesterol Without Medication?
There are ways to manage high cholesterol, and the great news is that heart disease can be prevented by 90% Dr. Cho says. Even if your family has a history of high cholesterol, you can prevent heart disease.”
Your doctor may recommend that you combine healthy lifestyle habits with Cholesterin-lowering medications if you have coronary artery disease or carotid artery disease.
Nearly everyone can benefit from learning how to lower Cholesterin the natural way, including diet, exercise, and stress management. Dr. Cho discusses the best ways to lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease.
Foods that Increase Cholesterol
Foods that can increase Cholesterin levels include:
- Sugar, both natural and processed
- Fried foods
- Highly processed meats like:
- Bacon
- Bologna
- Hot dogs
- Salami
- Sausage
- Pastrami
- Red meat
Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils such as those found in:
- Margarine
- Premade doughs
- Vegetable shortening (like Crisco)
- Premade and packaged baked goods
- Some non-dairy coffee creamers
The foods that contain trans fats or high amounts of saturated fat are linked to higher levels of LDL cholesterol. Diets high in processed sugars are linked to increased levels of triglycerides and LDL Cholesterin.
Related: 7 Foods High in Cholesterol to Avoid.
Foods that Lower Cholesterol
Foods that can help lower Cholesterin and triglycerides include:
- Nuts
- Fish
- Soy
- Beans and lentils
- Whole grains
- Fruits and vegetables
There is a small effect of fiber on lowering cholesterol levels due to the fact that many of these foods are high in fiber, an indigestible type of carbohydrate found in plant foods.
Fiber slows the digestion and absorption of food and binds to fats and cholesterol to prevent them from building up in the blood. A high fiber diet is recommended for gut health and now for heart health as well.
How To Increase Good Cholesterol?
In addition to assisting you with becoming thinner, exercise and an active lifestyle can reduce your body's triglycerides, the most widely recognized type of fat, while raising your HDL levels. Once every seven days, an hour of moderate-force vigorous exercise should yield benefits.
As far as diet, try to stay away from trans fats, since they can build LDL Cholesterin and reduce HDL Cholesterin levels. Cakes and treats containing processed sugar are frequently high in trans fats, as are most fried foods and margarine. Limit saturated fats from meats and full-fat dairy products, too.
If you smoke, find a way to stop. Smoking lowers HDL levels, particularly for women, and raises LDL levels and fatty acids.
By following these methods, you can definitely raise your HDL levels, which will lower your risk of heart attacks or other problems.
Top lifestyle changes to improve your cholesterol
Your good and healthy lifestyle changes can help improve your Cholesterin — and boost the cholesterol-lowering power of medications.
Get Enough Sleep
Studies have linked insufficient sleep with a higher risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.
Eat Heart-Healthy Foods
You can reduce cholesterol and improve your heart health by changing your diet:
- Reduce saturated fats. Red meat and full-fat dairy products contain saturated fats, which raise your sterol level. Decrease by reducing your consumption of saturated fats, you can lower your "bad" cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
- Eliminate trans fats. Margarine and store-bought cookies, crackers, and cakes often contain trans fats, which are sometimes listed on food labels as "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil." Trans fats raise overall sterol levels. By Jan. 1, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration will ban the use of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.
- Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. LDL cholesterol isn't affected by omega-3 fatty acids. As well as reducing blood pressure, they also have heart-healthy benefits. Walnuts, salmon, mackerel, herring, walnut oil, and flaxseed are all sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Increase soluble fiber. You can lower your cholesterol level by consuming soluble fiber. Oatmeal, kidney beans, Brussels sprouts, apples, and pears contain soluble fiber.
- Add whey protein. Whey protein, found in dairy products, may be responsible for many of the health benefits attributed to dairy products. Studies have shown that whey protein supplements lower LDL cholesterol as well as total cholesterol and blood pressure.
Quit Smoking
You can lower your HDL cholesterol by quitting smoking. The benefits occur quickly:
- Within 20 minutes of quitting, your blood pressure and heart rate return to normal
- After three months of quitting smoking, your blood circulation and lung function begin to improve
- Within one year of quitting, your risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker
Lower Your Cholesterol With Vitamins And Supplements
You should not replace a good diet with pills. If you want to lower your cholesterol, ask your doctor about the following options.
The bulk-forming fiber laxative psyllium, sold over-the-counter (like Metamucil TM), targets cholesterol and eliminates it from the body. Two grams a day can help lower cholesterol.
You should consult your doctor before taking 1,200 milligrams of red yeast rice twice a day. "You'll need to have your liver function monitored," says Dr. Cho.
Phytosterols are similar to your body's natural cholesterol and can block cholesterol from being absorbed. Dr. Cho states that two grams of phytosterols a day can lower your cholesterol by 10% and your LDL by 14%.
“You may hear about garlic and grapeseed and other ways to lower your cholesterol,” Dr. Cho says. "But these ingredients won't affect your cholesterol, so save your money for something good - like sneakers so you can exercise."
Maintain A Regular Exercise Schedule And Increase Your Physical Activity
Increasing HDL cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol, can be achieved with moderate physical activity. Exercise for at least 30 minutes five times a week or vigorous aerobic exercise for 20 minutes three times a week with your doctor's approval.
Adding physical activity to your daily routine, even in short intervals, can help you lose weight. Consider:
- Taking a brisk walk during your lunch break every day.
- Riding your bicycle to work.
- Participating in a sport you enjoy.
Finding an exercise buddy or joining an exercise group can help you stay motivated.
Lose Weight
Even a few extra pounds contribute to high cholesterol. It takes little to make a big difference. Drink tap water instead of sugary drinks. Keep track of the calories when you snack on air-popped popcorn or pretzels. If you're craving something sweet, try sherbet or sugar-free candies like jelly beans.
You can incorporate more activity into your daily routine by taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator or parking farther from your office. Take walks during breaks at work. Do more standing activities, such as cooking or yard work.
Drink More Water
To improve your cholesterol levels, it is important to stay hydrated while exercising. You can reduce your sugar intake by replacing sugary drinks, such as soft drinks and concentrated juices, with water.
Taking water before meals may also improve appetite and portion control, allowing for easier weight control. Losing excess weight may also improve your cholesterol levels.
Low-Fat Milk, Cheese, And Yogurt
Lowering your cholesterin doesn't mean giving up everything you enjoy - it's simply about making smarter choices. Choosing a healthier alternative to dairy is a big win when it comes to eating healthier.
Use low-fat dairy products instead of regular ones for items such as cheese, milk, cream, and yogurt. Also, you can experiment with soy milk if you wish. Who knows? Maybe you'll fall in love with it.
It is important to make these changes because full-fat dairy products are high in saturated fats and cholesterol. With a low-fat (or non-fat) version, you'll build healthier levels of cholesterol in your bloodstream.
Replace Butter And Margarine With Healthy Oils
There's no way to completely avoid fats when you're cooking a tasty meal. You should use healthy oils instead of solid fats, such as butter, margarine, shortening, and lard when you need to add fat to cooking, baking, or pan-frying.
Solid fats have a high percentage of saturated fats, but oils have a high percentage of unsaturated fats, which are better for you. The American Heart Association recommends using oils with less than 4 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon (and no trans fats).
Most of the time, it's easy to replace solid fat with a healthier one. Try using olive oil, sunflower oil or grapeseed oil in place of a solid fat.
In a recipe, for instance, substitute three quarters of the butter with olive oil if you would rather use olive oil than butter. In addition, you may also discover new, surprising, subtle flavors.
Replace Your Egg And Sausage Breakfast Sandwich With Oatmeal
The fiber in oatmeal will help you lower your cholesterol, so eat it for breakfast daily. Oats are a superfood that are particularly impactful for those looking to lower their cholesterol.
Toss some heart-healthy blueberries on top if you don't like oatmeal for some added sweetness. Other foods high in fiber include barley, beans, nuts, apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears.
Consider Having One Vegetarian Meal A Week
When you choose a vegetarian meal, you are hitting multiple cholesterol-lowering goals at the same time, such as eating healthier fats and getting more soluble fiber. Don't let the word "vegetarian" scare you. Vegetarian meals are also just as flavorful and filling as meatier meals.
An easy low-cholesterol recipe is to prepare a salad with a sesame vinaigrette and grilled tofu. For dessert, stir some fresh blueberries, strawberries, and oats into low-fat vanilla yogurt.
Build up a routine, like making Tuesday night a vegetarian night, and make it a habit. Try expanding to other nights, or adding a weekly vegetarian lunch, too. Flexitarians just eat smaller portions of meat.
These changes can be very beneficial over time. Consult your doctor about lowering your cholesterol (especially if you smoke or are overweight).
When it comes to lowering cholesterol, you don't have to do it alone. Your primary care doctor can be a helpful partner on your journey.
You can work with your doctor to develop a plan unique to you - one that incorporates diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes to help you lower and manage your cholesterol.
For example, losing weight and quitting smoking are both great ways to lower cholesterol. Quitting smoking can raise your good HDL cholesterol levels, and losing weight can lower your LDL cholesterol levels significantly.
It's not easy to quit smoking or lose weight. Fortunately, your primary care doctor can help you get started and find practical ways to stick with it. Plus, if you have health insurance, you can get help with both of these things.
Regularly visiting your doctor is crucial for anyone who wants to quit smoking, lose weight, or learn more about how lowering cholesterol would benefit their health. To check your progress and make adjustments based on the results, they can also perform cholesterol tests – the only way to actually measure cholesterol.
Now Is The Time To Start Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally
Changing your diet, getting more exercise, quitting smoking, losing weight (if needed), and talking with your doctor can help you improve your cardiovascular health.
Changing your mindset is the first step toward lowering your high cholesterol. Don't be intimidated. You don't have to change your life in order to do so. You're not moving away from things, but rather moving towards new habits that will make your life healthier and more enjoyable.
When it comes to your heart health, now is the perfect time. If you need a little help, ask your friends and family for help. Don't forget that your doctor is always available to offer advice, motivation, and encouragement so that you can reach your goals and live a healthier lifestyle.
The Bottom Line
Cholesterol is important to the body, but it can cause heart disease and clogged arteries if the levels are out of control.
Free radicals damage LDL, which contributes most to heart disease. Conversely, HDL helps to prevent heart disease by carrying sterol away from vessel walls and back to the liver.
Lifestyle interventions are the first line of treatment if your sterol is out of balance.
In addition to exercise and weight loss, soluble fiber, plant sterols, and stanols can increase good HDL and decrease bad LDL.
The consumption of trans fats and smoking should be avoided.
CDC recommends that you have your sterol levels checked every five years beginning at age 20. If you have any concerns, ask your doctor. A simple blood draw after an overnight fast is all that is needed (57).